Bollywood stars | New Gallery | |
The wallpapers have been put into different categories so visit the links below for the wallpapers you want. Click on the desired thumbnail, wait until full image is shown then right-click and choose 'set as wallpaper' or 'save as.' I'm always adding new wallpapers so visit often to get new designs. If you have any requests please email me and I'll try and design one just for you ! You choose the theme or your favourite movie/pop star etc.. |
All Wallpapers designed by Sufia ([email protected]) Copyrighted 2000-2004 ©
DISCLAIMER To the best of my knowledge, none of the images I used to make my wallpaper's are copyrighted, they have been collected from the WWW, from homepage's and magazine's etc... If you know that any of these image's are copyrighted, please let me know, and I'll remove them from my page. |